Tag Archives: summer promotions

Giveaway coolers – promote tour business and keep your beer cool!

As we head into summmer, or those of us in the Northern Hemisphere do, my thoughts turn towards cold beers on the beach on a Saturday afternoon. Or, if you make your living from Internet Marketing, cold beers on a wi-fi enabled beach any day of the week. Problem is, how to keep those beers cold when the temparature reaches into the thirties?

Answer – a stubby cooler, or a koozie as the Aussies call them. Who else but the Aussies could put so much time and effort into keeping beer cool? Here in England its not usually a problem for two reasons – it never gets warm enough to need one, and they drink their beer warm anyway. Strange people. Anyway, for the rest of the world, you need stubby coolers (A stubby is what the Aussies call a small can of beer, by the way). Not only do they keep the beer cold enough to enjoy, but you can give them away to promote your business.

They come in all shapes and sizes, so you can always find a product to represent your business (or have one specially made), whether bright, brash and out-loud brilliant or quiet, subtle and sophisticated. Think how you’ll feel when you go to the beach and see all that promotion for your business – and people enjoying themselves with beers from your cooler.

Made of neoprene, the cooler provides excellent thermal insulation as well as a light, comfortable carrier for the beach. And it’s not just beer – oh no, for the Europeans amongst you they also come in wine bottle sizes. Don’t forget your corkscrew, though.

So, a summer begins to kick in, except in Britain, obviously, give some thought to the perfect summer promotion – the stubby cooler!

For more great marketing ideas, come to the Post Service where you can read more about giveaway coolers and many other exciting things.