Tag Archives: readers

How To Connect Your Website With New Readers

Gaining new readers, subscribers and members is often the number one goal for most websites. It’s not a bad thing, however it can often lead to cheesy catch phrases and overdone web sites. To keep your web site looking classy, yet still meeting new folks on the web, follow these easy steps:

  1. Get Connected Through Social Media: Some people really groan when you mention the word Social Media. It is definitely not an end all for promoting your web site. However in our generation being connected social media gives a sign of trusted confidence and user friendliness. Sounds crazy, right? Check your favorite web sites and see if they are connected. Chances are, the are listed on just about every social media network out there.
  2. Get Your Contact Information Out There: Want to know the single most important and easiest way to let your readers know you care? Let them contact you. You can create a simple form for your home based business web site or post your e-mail visibly on your blog. Either way is an awesome, yet simple reminder to your fans that you really do care about them. Just chalk it up as customer service at its best for online networks.
  3. Get Creative With Your Site: Another way to gain your readers attention and new readers as well, is to get creative. Find a way to host monthly giveaway. Or maybe you can feature your readers on a regular basis: show off their own work and talent. Find ways to interact whether its through free newsletters or simply an e-mail from time to time. It shows that you are serious about your work.

These are three simple, yet very effective tips. Try to put them into action within the week and track the difference that it makes. You’ll be surprised.