Tag Archives: Design

T-shirt Art: A Fun and Inexpensive Way to Express Yourself

Are you fond of taking words, pictures, colors and turning them into catchy designs? You can take short, witty statements and images and put your personal touch to a unique and custom T-shirt art design to come up with wearable art that reflects your own personality.

Design Inspiration

There are lots of methods in creating your very own T-shirt design. However, you must see what techniques are the best and what will suit your budget. You can customize your designs through Photoshop software. If you find it hard to do, then you can just browse the internet and look for the designs you want. Just copy the image or text you want and save it in your computer.

You can still make the design original or custom-made by adding some details that are purely your own. Aside from looking for images online, you can also draw your own T-shirt design, then add some text/s, a slogan, or even your favorite catchphrase.

Nowadays, T-shirts are sometimes used to advertise and promote individual products, large companies, box office films and eCommerce websites. This is a very effective yet affordable way to gain more customers and clients since T-shirts are a basic part of everyone’s clothing. T-shirts are a part of almost everyone’s fashion styles – for both men and women, and for all age groups, including babies, teens, and adults.

Screen Printing

The most common method used in T-shirt designing is the screen-printing method. In screen-printing, you make your own design by drawing and then cutting the design into a framed silk screen. The design itself is printed using the silk screen as a guide for the ink distribution, much like a stencil. Screen printing is the most popular method for creating T-shirt designs because it is cost-effective and efficient, making it highly suitable for mass production.

Other known methods of designing T-shirts includes the airbrush method, appliqué technique, embroidery, embossing or impressing, as well as iron-on designs using transfer papers that require heat. Dye sublimation is also another method that is gaining popularity. You can do this with the aid of laser printers. This type of printer is capable of printing your desired design on a plain paper by applying a special toner containing a solution like sublimation dyes which is permanently heat-transferred to your T-shirts, thus transferring the printed design into the fabric.

At present, “statement shirts” have become very popular as well. Most people make use of fashion statements to represent a person’s emotions or opinions. Many individuals choose unique statement designs for their T-shirts by spoofing popular names, brands, statements and many more.

T-shirt art designing and printing is also a fun activity to do with kids who want to explore and express themselves as well. You see, creating a different kind of craft through designing T-shirts is really fun to do. Kids will certainly get a kick out of designing – and then wearing– their own shirts.

The author is a freelance writer with more than a decade of writing experience under his belt. He writes reviews of debt consolidation and credit monitoring plans. Click here for information on credit monitoring.

Getting the Best Dental Website Design

Today, there are a lot of dental websites being set up with the aim of drawing clients through the internet and bringing them to the doorstep of a dental practitioner’s office. Now, an important issue in this particular instance is how to create the best dental website design and apply it effectively to a dental practitioner’s website. Luckily for them, there are some tips and tricks to help boost the appeal of a dental website to potential clients.

One: Make sure to keep your website simple and clear. Make sure that when a potential client would enter your site he or she shall be impressed by the overall professional and sleek look of your site. Media should be organized and not in the way of important information posted in the site.
Two: Make sure that your website is on top of the search engine results list by incorporating the principles of Search Engine Optimization or SEO. After all, when people look for something on the internet, they always use search engines to guide them.
Three: If possible, incorporate an online appointment system. This is extremely practical and can appeal greatly especially to office workers whom are always busy and on the go.

Four: Make sure that your clients are well educated in the basic things like good oral hygiene by placing helpful, concise, and easy to understand articles within your site.

Five: Get a content manager system. Having this tool with you shall allow you to have easy control over your website, and it will eliminate your need to pay companies or other people to manage your website altogether.
These are just some of the things you could do in order to make your site move up the ranks of the multitude of dental websites out on the internet today.

Design Your own Vinyl Banner Tips

When you are contemplating designing your own vinyl banner for your upcoming event or sake, there are several things that you need to consider and do. The first thing that you should do is keep it simple. You want to announce your event or sale, not draw attention to your artistic abilities or fill your banner with a lot of fluff. You should pick out two or three main elements and design your banner around these elements. You can also add a photo if you have one, then you need to highlight those elements with a striking headline. Make sure you include the date(s) and times of the event, and if it is a charitable event, mention which charity your event is benefiting.

When you are making your vinyl banners, make sure that you have the main headline in large bold letters, but not so large that it takes away from the design of the banner. In addition, make sure that you have a description of the product or event for which you are using the vinyl banner, the identity of the company offering the product or sake, if it is an event make sure you identify who is putting on the event and if it is a charitable event who it is far. If it is possible, try to include a photo collage or a product photo.

Do not make your banner in black and white, but use colors effectively. Use the colors white, yellow, and red on a black background to make your special offers, company identifiers, charitable event, or whatever you are advertising jump out at the person who is reading the banner. Do not forget about making the headline jump out as well. Doing your banner like this is called reverse text. Your text has a more graphic effect when you use dark background with light colored text.

When writing your banner be creative and use your imagination. Write your banner like you would want to see it when it is hung up and that it has the information to make your sale or event a huge success. If you are advertising a sale or product, instead of just naming the sale or product, have someone holding the product, or use a picture from a previous sale with people in it looking at your products. Do not be afraid to experiment and use your imagination.

You want people to attend the event or sale so make the vinyl advertising banner interesting enough that they want to read the whole thing and come to the sale or event.

Design a Family Reunion T Shirt

Design a Family Reunion T Shirt

Making the annual family reunion memorable is the goal of designing a t-shirt for the reunion and presenting one to everyone that attends. Having a t-shirt making party prior to the actual reunion will also help you in making the shirts without having to do everything yourself.

Use Microsoft Word or PowerPoint to create a clipart design that everyone likes. Include the family surname along with the location of the event and personalize the shirts with each individuals nick-name and some art that reflect their interests.

Purchase some t-shirt transfer paper at the local craft store. Make sure to purchase the correct paper for the color of shirts you will be transferring the designs to. Print your finalized design onto plain paper to make sure it is what you want. Then print the design onto the transfer paper.

No create the t-shirts by pressing the design onto the shirts using the transfer paper and an iron. Follow the directions on the transfer paper to make sure the final product is of good quality. You can write additional text on the shirts once the design is transferred, if you choose. And that is all. Make sure to have a good time seeing all your distant relatives this one time a year.

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The Easiest Way to Get your Idea Printed on a T-Shirt

The Easiest Way to Get your Idea Printed on a T-Shirt

My Seven T-shirts

My Seven T-shirts (Photo credit: swan-t)

Personal style is everything! Do you have a great idea, catch phrase or slogan that you are so proud of you would love to wear it. But for most people the cost of printing t-shirts is not something that fits into the budget. Now, you can have your very own t-shirt design for about as much as a regular store bought t-shirt would cost and show off that one of a kind sense of humor that is uniquely you! Vista Print offers you one free t-shirt design (pay shipping & handling only) and allows you to let the sky be the limit in your wearable life statements!

Taking Your Cause to the Next Level

If you are organizing a fund raiser, captain of a team or entrepreneur who doesn’t have a lot of money but is full of creative ideas that the world needs to see and hear; using Vista Print will for personalized t-shirts is an easy, quick and inexpensive way to get you noticed! This software program will enable you to easily create your own personalized design and print it so it will be ready for a t-shirt design. If you are not the creative type there are 24 designs available that you can personalize with your favorite catchphrase, business slogan or anything you wish. This is a great way to outfit a family reunion or ball team for a fraction of the cost!