Tag Archives: Consumer Goods and Services

The Advantages of Silk Shirts

Silk shirts are one of the most versatile items a woman can wear. Easily dressed up, they are equally at home with a pair of jeans for a casual night out, or with smart trousers for everyday wear to work. However versatility is not the only benefit of choosing to buy silk shirts; they’re incredibly robust and comfortable too.

Of all the materials we choose to wear, silk is probably the most durable. It’s very strong, and will hold its shape for many, many years (provided it is cared for properly). The fact that silk is a relatively expensive material therefore is offset by the knowledge that silk shirts, and other silk goods, will last for many wears and washes, and many years to come.

Silk is in addition, very comfortable. The material itself is very similar in structure to human skin, which is why it feels so fantastic against it. This similarity also means that silk is a naturally hypoallergenic material; perfect for those who suffer with asthma, eczema or any other allergies often aggravated by cheaper fabrics.

Those who suffer with allergies will benefit not just from wearing silk clothing such as silk shirts; they will also benefit should they choose to invest in silk bedding. Many allergies are aggravated by the enzymes located in the droppings of dust mites, however dust mites hate silk and so by choosing silk as a bedding material, the amount of dust mites located within the bedding will fall substantially. Allergy sufferers should notice a significant improvement in their standard of sleep following a switch to silk bedding.

In fact, choosing to wear silk shirts, silk gloves or even purchasing silk bedding will not only benefit allergy sufferers, but it will also benefit those who suffer with an incredibly common condition – dry skin. Silk contains natural amino acids which are able to help our skin reabsorb lost moisture. Wearing silk shirts during the day can assist in areas where dry skin is common such as the chest and arms. Silk gloves can also be purchased for those who suffer with dry skin on their hands. However, the benefits of silk to dry skin are most noticeable at night time, through the introduction of silk bedding.

Another reason that silk shirts and silk bedding are so comfortable is that they are naturally thermal. This means that silk will cool us down when we are hot, and warm us up when we are cold. This makes silk shirts a fantastic choice for all-day wear, wherein the temperature may change substantially a number of times. Silk shirts are also fantastic to wear in stressful situations, where sudden bouts of stress may cause our core temperature to rise rapidly.

Silk bedding again, is very beneficial for the same reason. Conventional duvets trap heat and keep raising our body’s temperature throughout the night. This can lead to interrupted sleep and in some cases, could even be dangerous. However, silk duvets are manufactured in such a way as to allow heat to escape through the duvet, ensuring that we are kept warm but never get too hot.


This post was written by Crispin Jones on behalf of Patra International. Crispin is a writer who covers many subjects including clothes and fashion.

Try Something New In Your Business with Custom Made Plastic Bags

There is a way of saturating your target market that effectively merges affordability when it comes to advertising cost and visibility in terms of promotional presence.   You’d be amazed at the sheer potential that custom made plastic bags can positively affect your business.

From its humble beginnings, plastic bags were originally conceived by Sten Gustaf Thulin, a Swedish engineer.  Since then, it has grown into a massive financial enterprise, which is roughly 102 billion plastic bag use in the U.S. alone as of 2009 according to the United States International Trade Commission.  Worldwide, it has been reported that the plastic bag consumption has an estimated volume of at the very least half a trillion.  While itself a profitable business, the use of the plastic bags has undergone a commercial evolution in terms of applications in sales and promotion.

Due to the utter amount of plastic bags disseminated all over the world, the potential function for advertising has been realized.  Polyethylene bags are used in shopping, groceries, storage and pretty much any conceivable utility.  On top of this though, graphic designs may be embedded on the plastic bags themselves to become advertising tools.  Bags give an extremely large promotional mileage that encompasses a geographical area rivaling that of broadcast media and print ads.  Bags are simply taken anywhere.  Since polyethylene begs are made of very durable (and recyclable) materials, they can be used over and over again, taken by the owner anywhere he feels it is needed.  Printed images or corporate brands, ranging from the best pepperoni pizza to an oversized beach bag, when displayed prominently, are tantamount to a personal endorsement and can subconsciously imprint the desired promotional message for instant product recall should there be a need.

This commercial application is well within your grasp, along with it its power to advertise.  Chances are, you have probably personally experienced its intended effect first-hand, and you never even knew it.

Setting Up Your Home Office

With so many people having a home office, the need for sturdy and attractive furniture is important. If you have never had a home office before, you will be surprised at how much office furniture there is to select from. After measuring the room and determining where you would like to place your furniture, it is time to look at all of the home office desks that are available.

Your desk will be the most important item in your office. It will be the center of your workspace, and it should be large enough to allow for all of the activities you will perform there. If you are looking for a computer desk, make sure it has enough table space for the PC and monitor, plus have a slide-out for the keyboard.

Home office desks are not just for computers. There are other styles that are more geared for document presentations and even for bill paying. Locate one that has enough drawer space. There are also matching pieces if you need to include a filing system.

Along with your desk you will want to decide on a comfortable desk chair. This chair can have rollers on the feet to assist you to maneuver around the area. If your office is carpeted, plastic sheeting under the chair will help you to slide around effortlessly.

Some home office desks are assembled. There are, however, some that are not and will require you to carry the desk home in a flat box. These are usually pretty heavy, so plan ahead for some help to carry it in the home. The assembly will be quite easy with the step-by-step instructions that will be furnished.

Having an office in your home will give you an area to work without leaving the house. There are many colors, sizes and styles available. Home office desks are available at many office supply stores.