A T-shirt with a protest art message on it in the mid-2000s. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Free T-Shirt printing allows a customer to act as a free billboard for any business, such as a discount carpeting business. The discount carpeting company prints up a number of shirts using the free T-shirt printing site, and then distributes at either conventions or to customers, and the shirts act as advertising for the discount carpeting company. As long as the company bears in a mind a few basic rules, the free T-shirt printing should give them some business, especially in the short term.
The T-shirt needs to display the discount carpeting company’s website, preferably so that it is quickly apparent. Potential customers will only get to see the shirt for a few seconds so it does not help if the website is hidden or takes too long to find. Also, it needs to be witty or otherwise memorable enough for someone to become interested in the shirt; this applies equally to viewers as well as well as those wearing the shirt, who must have a reason to wear it where people will see it. After all, people tend to wear shirts that make them look good, and if it is just advertising, then it is just a shirt to wear when you don’t plan on going anywhere. In essence, make the site obvious and the shirt something fun to wear, and it will not be seen but also acted upon by potential customers, making the T-shirt a viable advertising medium. At the very worst, you may end up selling the shirt itself, and that is not a bad side business.