Tag Archives: Africa

Putting Shirts on the Back of Haitians / Vista Print T-Shirts Contest

Putting Shirts on the Back of Haitians / Vista Print T-Shirts Contest

Jets Championship T Shirts

Where do all those pre-printed championship t-shirts go when a team loses? When the Jets lost recently, it seemed that the massive amounts of “We are the Champions” (at least until we lost_ t-shirts would be sold in discount, scratch and dent stores across the world but news reports indicate that they may be headed to Africa and Haiti. In addition to that, caps, mugs and other wares that must be discarded of may be off on a trip to help the earthquake torn Haiti and help put shirts on the back of the people who need it the most.

Vista Print Giveaway

Vista Print reported amazing fourth quarter earnings at the end of 2009, in part because of their focus to give back to both consumers and maintain their competitive edge against other t-shirt companies like CafePress. Mid-January, Vista Print announced that they would offer a customer appreciation give away that would include high end technological gifts and free offers. The sweepstakes is being monitored by partner Overdrive Interactive and is open to any Vista Print customers. To enter, customers large and small just need to log onto www.vistaprintgiveaway.com. Looks like 2010 might be an even better year for Vista Print and its large family of personalized products.

Jets Championship T-Shirts Headed to Haiti?


Jets Championship T-Shirts Headed to Haiti?

The New York Jets were prepared had their team won then AFC Championship this past Sunday. They had a new URL for their team shop (JetsShopChampions.com) and a series of NFL gear ready stating they had done the almost impossible and won the AFC title. Of course the Indianapolis Colts had something else in store for Jets fans and won the Championship easily 30-17. Now all those t-shirts, caps, and mugs must go somewhere.

Every team has items ready to sell if a team wins a major title, so the preprinting of AFC Championship t-shirts is no surprise. But now rumors are out there as printed by NBC that those extra items might be headed to Haiti and Africa as donations. This would be a very nice gesture in this time of need after the horrific natural disaster. Too bad the New York Jets couldn’t fulfill the Cinderella story, but donating these extra goods to charity is a noble step.